Monday, May 26, 2008

What's In A Number Anyway?

The chronology of the Captain Nepto series is muddled at best. There have been numerous revisions over the years [and breaks] in an attempt to organize the stories and quality of art to reflect a specific timeline. There is also the numerous costume changes and issues depicting our hero in a wig and without one. Now blessed with 20/20 insight, there was probably nothing wrong with the traditional chronology other then the fact that the Jester debut lasted 5 issues and was almost as many panels long[!]. The revisionist chronology only created new questions and problems. Now with new issues on the horizon, the question arose as to where these issues would fit into the chronology. There was no simple answer since the debut of the series back in 1981 did not have an intended structure. Issues were created on an individual basis with no consideration given to a particular timeline. Therefore the events in the original series were more apart of an 'age' then a time frame. It is to this conclusion that the chronology of Captain Nepto will be recorded much the same as the Spy-Comics series. For reference purposes the 1981-1984 series will consist of the Golden ages of the history. The present day issues being released beginning in June, depicting a Golden age Captain Nepto will simply exist somewhere in that chronology without having a numeric value. The decision has also been made to not number the new Prime series but refer to the issues rather by release date then numeric value. Romantically speaking, this will further reflect the original intention of the series and provide for more freedom with creating new stories...which is all everyone really wants anyway.

BTW - this change can be of course changed by future DFG revisionists into the 'Retro' age or 'Classic' age so let's none of us worry about it!!

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